Lorrie and I have read some LIFE CHANGING books this winter:
Closing the Food Gap, Mark Winne
Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortensen
Stones into Schools, same author
Have you read any of them?
Closing The Food Gap is all about getting food to those at the poverty level.
Mark Winne has 30 years experience with that sector of the economy. It peaks my
interest because it is in line with one of our goals for Peacefield Farm,
namely, to provide produce for the poor, indigent, un-employed, under-employed.
Everyone deserves nutrient-dense, wholesome, healthy food, no matter where you live in our society.
Greg Mortensen has become a humanitarian over the past 15 years building
schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan .
Over 125 so far! All with PRIVATE MONEY, not a dime of public funds! If you’ve
not read his two books, get a hold of them. They will make you sit up and take
notice of a non-military way to defeat the Taliban.
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